Have you ever gone to an interview and when you see the line you feel your will never be considered. Well in my younger days,  I felt so. But from having many interview‘s, I have come a long way. Do you know that you communicate constantly without saying a word and as a result you attract or repel instantly.

“Dressing for success may sound intimidating, expensive, and a bit vain; however, keep in mind that your presentation creates credibility.”
Author: Michelle Moore

The biggest issue plaguing our success is that most times our credibility is flawed because of the right attire for the wrong occasion. In this article though we will concentrate on ten tips for business dress. Your keys to dressing for success in the business arena. To make this fun we combine both Men & Women together.

1. Bright colours are a no!

Avoid bright colour shirts,tops skirts and dresses at formal business meetings, interviews, Shareholders meetings & client meetings. These colours then to give the impression that you are craving attention or trying to seduce persons involve into submission- especially the colour red. If  you only got a red shirt or blouse for instance combine with  a lovely black suit to hide red, minimizing the red effect or for the guys a black &white tie or maroon and white tie to tone down you red shirt, with your black suit.

woman at work
Example of business attire

     2. Plan your outfit in advance

       If you fail to plan you plan to fail

At least two days before your formal occasion, you should already have decided what you are wearing and if you are comfortable or not. What you wear is all up to you but later in this we highlight some additional guidelines on planning dress for those formal occasions. So should have already seen yourself in the mirror and at least gotten one opinion where applicable. If you are not happy then you wont ever be.

      3. If you are not comfortable you associate knows it!

So did you go to a business meeting or a sales meeting and pulling down your skirt or constantly buttoning your shirt. Your client has already noted that you are not prepared. You may be prepared otherwise but you are not comfortable. Ensuring you are comfortable with yourself is integral to the communication process and more comfortable you are the more you will flow. Depending on your type of business determine your wear. This article from what’s trending refers to a woman with bloody feet and her boss will expect exceptional customer service, but she can,t provided it because she not comfortable with herself.

    4. Invest in Quality Wardrobe


  1. Invest in suits with skirts & pants. TIP match and mix to get more out of your wardrobe. Skirts should be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
  2. Buy quality fabric giving you more wear but quality time and wear and tear
  3. Buy stocking plain or neutral colored for those skirt days
  4.  Invest in quality shoes black main co-lour of course and no more than two inches high. See some quality brands here  Open toe shoes add a more causal look to your outfit. Of course this is not cast in stone.
  5. Bags, scarfs  should match your outfit but you can mix and match once you understand colour schemes.
  6. Make up should be light and same for nails and well essential grooming with not to much fancy hear styles.
  7. Your outfits  can be altered  a bit on weekends but stick to neutrals your safe.



  1. Your should have to to three suits
  2. If you don’t buy ready made pants purchase suiting material for better quality look and durability.
  3.  White socks are a no. Brown, Black Navy Blue and greys are safe colours.
  4. Purchase quality shoes and own about three pairs where possible. Here are some quality shoes that would be useful for business.
  5. Get a quality laptop bag which will accommodate documents and gadgets.
  6. Grooming is always essential
  7. Light colours are more effective for business, blue’s , Greens, white’s etc. Stay away from bright colours.


5. Understand Your Profession

Depending on where you are and what area you are in dressing of course will differ and you of course can determine what professional for your domain. Of course these area will differ so you can see company and online resources for these areas. Of course the areas will differ and they include:

  • Mechanical engineering
  • Sales Manager
  • Production Manger
  • General Manger

But remember the key is to dress for success and to dress to reflect where you are headed.

interview tips
Best job interview tips for job seekers!

6. Simplicity is key!

 This does not mean don’t look great but desist from getting to caught up with fashion and go overboard.

  • Earing unless you are a woman
  • Tongue rings
  • Excessive jewelry -some organizations allow only id  and wedding bands.
  • Extreme hair styles for both male and female and excessive colour and if coloured not bright colours.

7. Know your colour schemes.

Sometimes i see people and they look like the circus. Well nothings wrong with that on a lime but what happens when a prospective client or customer see you as the first person in the business, they switch off. Avoid those scenarios and do the best with what you got.See this link for additional resources for matching colours for men. And for the women who must be in the latest trends here are some useful ideas to discover your ultimate success appeal.

8. Shoes are key!

Almost all circumstances i remember shoes are always under scrutiny. Most times they reflect not only your personality but your grooming habits. Please always have your shoes clean and well kept for maximum impact it can make or break and outfit.See this brief on what shoes say about you. For you guys who want quality shoes for that professional look can see guide via this article. Here is a guide to womans wear which will also include shoes.

9. Dressing is learning!

Don’t be afraid to copy someone idea for colour that may be unique and work well. Always educate yourself on new concept and ways to improve your image. Numerous writers focus on fashion and there will always be there always something new under the sun especially for the women.

10. Dressing right impacts life!

So i remember a thought, over making my tea just a while ago. A young lady i worked with practically every day saw me for my brother wedding and she commented and her imagination went while.Fill in the blanks———————————. It was a first for me and got me thinking many things. Anyway your image does the following:

  • Inspire trust
  • Love
  • Romance
  • Dependability
  • Professionalism
  • Warmth
  • Growth
  • and your Journey

And though times are though and you may not have lots of money doing the best with what you have is key.Your professional attire should never be compromised but, did you know that you are looked at 24 hours a day once you are into 

  • Sales 
  • Marketing
  • Coaching
  • Health
  • Beauty
  • Business,Etc

Can you life up to what you teach or do. Integral factor but i end on this note, Having lead several people over the years i have come to believe the late Jim Rohn’s statement,

Some persons will perform best at what they do @30%

Some persons will perform best at what they do @60%

Some persons will perform best at what they do @100%

Moral educate all and have them perform best at their natural God given ability.

Wanting more is a recipe for disaster.

Do your best and your best will always have critic but, forget them it will always bring out the best and you will always get the best when you dress the best and feel confident about yourself. I apologize for the long article but ill promise you a short one next time.

So how many of you would love to know how you can effectively manage your funds and invest for later. If you want to know more leave me a message on whether you would prefer a PDF, a short webinar , a short book our an article. And i will take this opportunity to say thanks to the writer that have left us some great information and links i have referred to. Additional reference for this article came from

  1. Dress for success
  2. Professional business attire for women
  3. Business Attire
  4. Professional Wardrobe

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