Well hello again!

We missed you last week but definitely won’t this week.

We start this article with a guy name Harry.

Harry was a multi-millionaire with a large corporation under his belt.

Harry had a wonderful family and his children followed his legacy making the family even more successful.

He sacrificed every thing for his family and children and in his older years started to take a tole on his life.

Harry was soon having yearly checks in the United States in excess of 10 million dollars to keep him alive.

By the way Harry was a Trinidad & Tobago Citizen and successful business person.

He spent that for a few years while losing millions of dollars and see his empire decline a little in his absence.

Harry’s said money is not alternative to  great health.

Do you want to be Harry?

Harry did solve his problem naturally, but lossed more than money in the process.

Was Harry a wise guy?

Indeed Harry made a great sacrifice but he went to far.

But he shared it so we won’t make the same mistake.

While many of us have already walked his shoes he ensured his children did not make the same mistake.

But unfortunately we are not.

Many of our kids based on the old statistics are obessed by 20+ while adult figures are alarming.

See my previous articles in this series article 1 and article 2 on this same topic in our series.

So Harry discover he had problems:

  1. He was not geting enough sleep
  2. He did not always eat on time
  3. When he did eat on time he ate junk
  4. No relaxation time
  5. No time for the family(lots of  times)
  6. No time for himself
  7. No relaxation time and the list goes on

Many of us a passing these habits to our kids and slowly pass the same suffering unto them.

Optimal health comes from going as natural as possible
I’m hungry so i eat the closest thing i get.

Estimated 5 million children over 5 were obese while 39%  of adults 18 years and over were overweight in 2014.

As promised stats for this series came from the following sources:

So as you can see the stats are not great.

I will not force you or you family to take steps but i have made the adjustment and feeling like 20 again.

I am not here to condemn anyone -but rather to help.

As a Health & Wellness consultant i am here to help you attain you Health & Wellness dreams first and all after.

Sure you have heard this saying before.

No Health No Wealth!

I have experienced it myself so i know.

So then whats next!


Hey -change is needed!
If you fail to try you plan to fail.

If you have face the pain like i did you would understand.

Today my body acts as my own early detection system.

Talk about that at a later date.

In the mean time do your family and your self a favor.

Not for me for you.

Record all your junk eating habits for the next three weeks and see where things could change.

For those able we offer several weight loss and health supplements and advice geared towards ideal health.

Please note these will assist you in getting were you should be or assist in decline of varying health issues.

Change is key!

In the remainder of this series look out for how to loose weight and tips on better wellness for overall health and dream fulfillment.

Please feel free to engage us on our options available and we will assist you in meeting your health goals.

Make the change today you will smile later.