So as I was having a little fun the other two young ladies debated.

And I quote ” he is 40″.

Why so many fine hard to believe in my 40’s.

Ste-ming from the complaints you consume to much sugar !

To having persons wonder if I am indeed 40.

What you do with the shed boy?

That will tell you that  I have come from.

The healthy you
Is this where you would love to be?

While this may exactly where you want to be you may be far from it but it is achievable.

According to my research the average obese person is starting at the age of 20+.

See the actually stats card for more stats.

But you say this guy talks alot.

How many of you have actually weighed anywhere close two 240 pounds.

My belly alone in those days where about 60 pounds.

How did I loose the weight.

Well how many of you love any of the following?

  1. Cake
  2. Ice cream -cold stone especially (just heaven)
  3. Juice
  4. Sweet tea

This can lead to a major killer diabetes.


So if the research is right we definitely walking sugar factories.

That is no good as it can affect your lifestyle like a limb, toes etc which will make things harder for you and your family.


Many of us suffer because of poor lifestyle choices.

And many believe that it’s a critical change.

So today if you were to offer me a salty plate of food i would not eat it as the body goes into shock.

Simple steps daily can make a difference later.

All of us what compound interest at the bank but, do we want it in our  life’s.

Simple steps today can make your life different and eliminate the disease you can avoid and make old age something grand.

One cup of tea daily without sugar and an average 5 cups are weak could give you a more rewarding future. In the next article we will look at how poor choices and decisions are costing family legacy’s ,suffering and financial and emotional pain for lot’s of families worldwide.

Need to know more on how to meet your health and wellness dreams leave your info in the form and we get in touch with you to make this possible.

In the meantime make a simple gentle cut to you sugars and salt and experience the difference.

You owe yourself to make a small daily adjustment to better health in your older years.

Links to some of our data will be provided in the next article.